What I learned: Reasonable Doubt
What I learned: Reasonable Doubt

and another one...
when you never listened to 90's hip hop...
One day at the studio we were having a conversation about music. During the conversation Jay Z’s and Biggie’s albums came up and I mentioned that I never heard a full album of either artist. As a Brooklyn native I should have heard at least one album right? But that was not the case due to my mom being strict on me listening to rap music in my younger days. And if I was caught I had to write a one page essay on what the song was about and because of this I was not a big fan of rap. This is one memory from my childhood that I do not miss. Listening to a whole rap album is not ideal for me unless it’s Drake (singing rap, lol), but I decided to give Jay Z’s album “Reasonable Doubt” a try. To my surprise, I actually liked it!

Some of Jay Z’s lyrics required extra research because he raps metaphorically but for the most part I was able to understand his music and the picture he painted of his lifestyle. While listening to “Reasonable Doubt” I picked up on the obvious, he was rapping about his time as a drug dealer. Through his raps, I realized that he’s very smart, and he did not let distractions catch him off guard. Jay Z seemed to be very meticulous in how he conducted his business and he was always a step ahead. As a graphic designer, I was able to relate to his flow; just as Jay says, you have to think ahead to get ahead, the same is true in design. In his music, he is very confident, often comparing himself to big time drug dealers before and during his time. I came to the conclusion that even though, for obvious reasons, his life was very different from mine it was also relatable. Anyone can learn a lot from the life and times of Jay Z.
Being that I am a creative person I am also a visual person. I tend to go off the deep end with my imagination and that’s what drew me to his lyrics. His storytelling paints such a vivid picture, allowing me to live life vicariously through his music. This album gave me an appreciation for the 90’s and early 2000’s music, unlike today’s music — no shade intended, because I still listen to it — which only consists of mumbling and words that make NO sense. There’s clearly much to be learned from classics such as “Reasonable Doubt”, it definitely has lasting artistic merit.

MIGGY SMALLS: Here's what I learned...

from intern to jr. designer
a heart warming story from our resident millennial and her Artoholik journey.
They say, “Results happen over time, not overnight. Work hard, stay consistent and be patient.” That pretty much explains my journey with The Artoholiks agency. Let’s take a trip down memory lane to when I first met Aaron and Iquan at my Kean University portfolio event where we discussed my projects and they started giving me great advice to move forward in my design career. Fast forward to my first day, I had feelings of excitement and nervousness because it was a new experience and I did not know what to expect. A few months into the internship I had already learned a lot about the design world.

Each week I come in, I am introduced to new techniques and different avenues of design such as tracing, using a Wacom tablet, color correcting photos, assisting in designing logos, social media, designing for commerce sites, doing photo shoots and being social at creative events, just to name a few. I remember before graduating, my professor explained to the class the importance of having good mentors who invest in your growth. The best part about working for a small agency is that they are able to spend time with me to help me grow. From the many wise words of Ike — that’s Iquan — “There should be more to a designer than just sitting at the computer designing for hours.” Those are the very words that have shaped my experience working for them and in turn helping me to be well rounded in the graphic design world. Every day I leave the office having learned something new ranging from real life stuff to design to even being inspired to go home and be creative! The Artoholiks agency has the best office morale which makes it even harder to leave at the end of the day.

This experience has taught me that I need to work smarter to become better at designing, staying consistent, trusting the process, and being patient because crafting one’s gift takes time. And because of this I have been promoted from Intern to Junior Graphic Designer. This promotion shows that despite my feelings I am
still making progress and I can’t wait to find out what’s in store for my future at this amazing agency!