Introducing Kevin T. Lowery to Expand Management Division

Introducing Kevin T. Lowery to Expand Management Division

Ok, ok, you’ve got us! ?

Over the last couple of years, we’ve focused on equipping you with creative assets to keep your website, social channels, and various brand initiatives up-to-date. Via photo and video we’ve produced for you, we were able to leverage this process and skillset with multiple clients, creating a unique, raw and straight-forward marketing tool to power our business.

You ate it up! Content development is one of our hottest services!

I know you’re probably saying,
“What are you talking about Iquan?”

The Question: How can THE ARTOHOLIKS add value to my business?

The dark side of our business has been size and management. Because we are a the go-to choice, we get pretty busy. What happens to the other moving parts of the business when the designers are busy designing?

Are you following?

Here’s a quick scenario… We all love food, right? We know a few great spots that serve great food. And 9 times out of 10, we don’t complain about the food. We complain about the service. If the service is bad, the food becomes bad.


If we provide awesome creative services, but miss deadlines and etc., just like the restaurant scenario, clients won’t be satisfied.

In an effort to continue to grow and deliver best-in-class, nimble service, I’m happy to announce we’re now in the management game.

“How Iquan?”

Introducing Kevin T. Lowery, the latest addition to the Artoholik team. Kevin is here to save the day with his management and business background. His professional experience includes retail management, finance, and account management. Kevin’s day to day within the office will be to oversee the management team and support our creative group.

Dedicated solely to management and planning, he will have the resources and time – yes time is a resource, but we can never put too much emphasis on time – to impact our projects in a major way, streamlining them so you not only get great results, but great service as well. 🙂

Together, Kevin and I plan on pushing THE ARTOHOLIKS to the next level with dope design, rich assets, and now, strategic planning and management.

Please welcome, Kevin T. Lowery!

We got Digital!

Yup, we got digital on ya!

We have great news! With growth comes change, with change comes new responsibilities, with new responsibilities comes more work and opportunities for us to excite you. Over the last couple of years, we flirted with digital services by helping some of you with things such as your email blasts, social media graphics, and digital campaigns. However, we were careful about how much we committed ourselves to offering. We all know the saying, Stay in your lane! We also know that design will only get us but so far down that long lane. So we made the decision to switch gears, we’re moving over into that newly fresh paved lane and will now offer digital services to all of our clients, big and small. Stay tuned for a few case studies over the next couple of months,
but for now, check out our offerings below. And don’t forget, tell a friend!


Management & Deployment
Analytic & Reporting
Content Creation


Monthly & Quarterly Social Plans
Paid Digital Advertising: Creative & Management
Analytic & Reporting


Copy Writing